Propane vs. Natural Gas

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Trying to decide which fuel source is best for your home? Natural gas is found underground, containing several different gases including butane, propane, and methane. It can be a liquid or a compressed or uncompressed gas. Propane is also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and is stored as a liquid after being separated from natural gas at a processing facility. Before deciding which fuel source works best in your home, consider the differences between the two.

Installation Techniques

Natural gas is brought into your home through underground pipes, while propane can be stored in tanks that need periodic replacements or refills. These tanks can be small and portable or several feet long. Larger tanks can be placed in your yard or buried underground, similar to having a natural gas pipeline connected to your home. Converting from propane to gas requires you to get rid of your propane tank or have it emptied and left in place.

Storage and Delivery

Propane can be delivered anywhere, so people who live in remote areas without natural gas pipelines may find this fuel source ideal. Although you will have to wait for deliveries to get the tank refilled. Natural gas, on the other hand, is always available because it comes inside your home through pipes. A leak in a pipe connected to an abundant amount of gas could increase utility bills more than a leak in a propane tank with a limited supply.

Efficiency and Cost

Propane tends to be more expensive than natural gas, but the same amount produces about twice as much heat. Having a new gas line added to your home is typically more costly than getting a propane tank. However, it could reduce your utility bills more if gas is available in your neighborhood.

Chemical Compositions

Propane produces about half the carbon dioxide and other emissions of gasoline; it is the cleanest burning fossil fuel available. Natural gas is made of methane but also burns more cleanly than most other fossil fuels. Both methane and propane are more environmentally friendly than electricity in many areas.

Joseph Frederick & Sons

Enjoy greater value from your energy dollar with natural gas. Joseph Frederick & Sons provides propane to gas and oil to gas conversion for our customers. Family owned and operated since 1947, we specialize in improving the comfort, convenience, and affordability of local homes and businesses. Contact us today!