Electrical Safety in Your Home

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Electricity plays a huge rule in our lives, powering our homes, lights, appliances, electronics, and more. It is a luxury that we often do not realize can be potentially dangerous. Electricity-related accidents can result in the loss of properties, limbs, and even lives. While these cases are typically accidental, they can sometimes be the result of negligence that could have been prevented. Here are some electrical safety tips to keep in mind:

Check Outlets Regularly

Did you know that overloaded outlets are the main cause of electrical fires in homes? Be careful not to exceed the maximum power consumption permitted. It is best to find out the voltage of the electrical outlets in your home. The standard plugs with vertical prongs are 120-volt outlets. Plugging in too many electrical items may trip a breaker, but it can also cause an electrical fire.

Keep Hands Dry

You should never touch any electrical appliances with wet hands. Water is a conductor of electricity, so if you handle electrical appliances such as a toaster, hairdryer, or heater with wet hands, you risk serious injury.

Professional Repairs

If you are experiencing an issue with any of your electrical appliances, do not attempt to fix them on your own. Many people have been injured by trying to repair an appliance while it is still plugged in. Contact a licensed electrician instead.

Do Not Use Water to Douse Electrical Fires

Should an electrical fire occur in your home, do not use water to stop it. Since electricity feeds on water, you must use a fire retardant chemical extinguisher. It is a good idea to keep a fire retardant chemical extinguisher on each level of your home in case of emergency.

Stable Lights

Make sure your lights do not flicker when you switch them on or turn off without reason. Loose or broken wires are a huge cause of house fires. Have a professional check that everything is properly grounded and terminal connections are not in contact with metal.


GFCIs, or ground fault circuit interrupters, can shut off a current from a particular circuit if it has the potential to become dangerous. Bathrooms and other areas with running water, like kitchens and laundry rooms, should be equipped with GFCIs to protect against shock hazards. Most new homes have GFCIs installed, but if your house is more than 40 years old, have it inspected and install GFCIs if they are not present.

Joseph Frederick & Sons

Joseph Frederick & Sons specializes in indoor air quality solutions. We provide a wide selection of proven effective and cost-efficient products like air purifiers, ventilators, and humidifiers. Since the average person spends 90% of their time indoors, we know that it is important to create a safe, comfortable, and healthy environment. Contact us today!