Do I Really Need Preventative HVAC Maintenance? (Yes, You Do)

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Hvac Repair

You may see a reminder for a maintenance check from your local HVAC provider and think, “my system is running just fine, I’ll call when it breaks.”

What you don’t realize is that a proper preventative maintenance checkup can actually prevent your system from breaking down. This will save you money and the frustration of being too hot or too cold when the summer and winter come around.

How Do You Save Money?

Fixing a broken system costs much more than maintaining an existing one. Not only will changing air filters and cleaning prevent issues down the road, but any other potential problems can also be intervened early before they escalate into a larger, more expensive one.

What’s more, the heavy wear and tear the system endures during peak months in the summer and winter take a toll. While your system may still technically be running, it is not working as efficiently. If it hasn’t been maintained, that means it has to work even harder to achieve the right temperatures indoors and can lead to more serious issues, not to mention a higher energy bill! In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Energy having your HVAC system running at peak efficiency can give you up to 30% savings.

When Should I Get a Check-Up?

Most homeowners would answer that a checkup is necessary for the seasons with the most extreme temperatures, summer, and winter. However, checkups can be done at any time of year. It’s not uncommon for HVAC service companies to get hammered with repair requests the first day of a cold snap. Having your system running properly prior to when harsh outdoor temperatures hit will usually eliminate any need for emergency HVAC repair.

That’s why many companies offer a quarterly checkup to keep you prepared. If you are getting regular HVAC maintenance, you are 95% less likely to have to deal with a costly breakdown. Having your system regularly checked can actually prolong the lifespan of your units. So while you wouldn’t drive your car 20,000 miles without an oil change because of the potential damage it could cause, you should think along similar lines when it comes to your HVAC system.

It’s important to have a qualified, trustworthy HVAC provider perform your HVAC maintenance. We work with customers in and around the Wilmington, DE area to keep their systems running optimally each day, and can attest to the difference regular preventative maintenance makes.