A/C Advice For Summer 2019

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Record breaking heat this summer has caused for cranking up the air conditioning unit to keep our homes cool. Although it may be tempting to turn down your temperature this summer, it will probably not be cost effective whatsoever. We recommend that you take into consideration that the closer your thermostat setting is to the outside temperature, the more you’ll save.

What is a Good Temperature to Set Your Thermostat in the Summer?

For warmer weather, it is generally recommended to set your home’s cooling system to 78 degrees Fahrenheit when you are home. When you are out of the house for four or more hours and own a programmable thermostat, it is best to set the temperature higher. The correct degree to set it to varies, but we recommend NOT letting your home reach temperatures higher than 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

For every degree that you set your thermostat over 78 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer, you could save around six to eight percent off your home energy bill, per degree. So keeping a higher temperature using these guidelines during the spring and summer can save you plenty of money in the long run.

Other Saving Tips For Summer 2019

We advise not cooking on the stove, using the dishwasher, or doing laundry during the peak usage hours normally between 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Another great way to save money is to turn off lights when not in use, close shades when away at work or for a long period of time, and turning on fans to circulate the air in your home.

Joseph Frederick & Sons

Professional maintenance ensures that every component of your A/C unit is operating smoothly and at peak efficiency. This helps lower operational costs, restores original capacity, and wards off most potential malfunctions.  When you trust your A/C equipment to the licensed technicians from Joseph Frederick & Sons, have confidence in our expert service. Contact Us Today to learn more about our A/C maintenance & installation!